пятница, 15 апреля 2011 г.

John G. Avildsen | Film stars stories

John G. Avildsen | Film stars stories

John G. Avildsen

John G. Avildsen
John G. Avildsen, b. Chicago, 1936 3968: Okay Bill (s). 1969; Turn on to Love (s); Sweet Dreams (s). 1970: Guess What We Learned in School Today?; Joe. 1971: Cry Uncle. 1972: The Stoolie. 1973; Save the Tiger. 1975: W.W. and the Dixie Dancekirtgs; Fore-play. 1976: Rocky. 1978: Slow Dancing in the Big City. 1980: The Formula. 1981: Neigh-burs. 1983; A Night in Heaven. 1984: The Karate Kid. 1986: The Karate Kid U. 1987: Happy New Year. 1988: For Keeps; Guartlian Angels; Lean on Me. 1989: The Karate Kid III. 1990: Rocky V: The Final Hell 1992: The Power of One. 1994: 8 Seconds. Avildsen worked as an assistant director and : as a cameraman, and he had credits on I Mickey One (65, Arthur Penn), Hurry Sundown (67, Otto Freminger), arid Out of It (69, Paul Williams), before he made

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